What is a screening?
Is my employer allowed to screen me?
My (future) employer has registered me for a screening, but I haven’t received anything yet. What should I do?
I have only finished elementary school (primary education), theferore I cannot provide my highest completed education.
What should I do if i don't posses my diploma anymore?
What if the data supplier requires a certain document that I don't possess?
VIDEO: how does the work experience check work?
The ‘period between work experiences’ is not correct. How can I adjust this?
My reference has stopped working at the organisation which I indicated. Therefore, the email address is no longer correct. How can I proceed?
Can I access the screening report when the screening is completed?
Certain screening elements are complete but show an exclamation point or question mark. What does this mean?
My screening process has been completed and I have received my report. Do I have to send it to my (potential) employer?